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Středočeský kraj 1 free positions
Jihočeský kraj 0 free positions
Jihomoravský kraj 13 free positions
Pardubický kraj 2 free positions
Kraj Vysočina 0 free positions
Karlovarský kraj 0 free positions
Plzeňský kraj 0 free positions
Královéhradecký kraj 0 free positions
Liberecký kraj 0 free positions
Ústecký kraj 9 free positions
Olomoucký kraj 0 free positions
Moravskoslezský kraj 0 free positions
Zlínský kraj 1 free positions
Hlavní město Praha 11 free positions

Get to know us

The ORLEN Unipetrol Group is the only oil processor in the Czech Republic and one of its most important plastics producers. It is also the owner of the largest network of ORLEN petrol stations and the producer of PLATINUM OIL motor oils and lubricants. The ORLEN Unipetrol Group is also the proud owner of the hockey club HC VERVA Litvínov.

With just under six thousand employees, we are a major player in the refining and petrochemical industry in Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2005, we have been part of the ORLEN refining and petrochemical group. ORLEN Unipetrol operates in Záluží u Litvínova, Prague, Neratovice, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Pardubice, Brno, and Otrokovice.


How does it look in ORLEN Unipetrol?

Are you interested in work experience at ORLEN Unipetrol?

Do you want to be part of the only company in the country that processes crude oil and start your career in the unique refining, petrochemical and agrochemical industry? We offer you a unique opportunity to get a consultation on your potential career with our industry specialists.

ORLEN Unipetrol RPA has created a special Training Centre for the purpose of quality training of new employees. The training programme includes seven training sections focused on e.g. occupational safety, fire and environmental protection, engineering, chemistry, and electrical engineering. Our semi-site is also used for the training and induction of new employees for the position of Technology Operator.